The MacArthur Bible Handbook

The MacArthur Bible Handbook is the ultimate book-by-book survey of the Bible, including charts, graphs, and illustrations from today's leading expository teacher.

A unique reference tool that is committed to quality and biblical teaching—will help you easily understand each book of the Bible, its historical context, and its place in Scripture.

Bible Book Basics at a Glance!

MacArthur has put in over 60,000 hours of sermon preparation time in his 35 year ministry!

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The Temples of the Bible Outline and Chronology of Haggai Introduction to the Intertestamental Period Expansion Under the Maccabees Introduction to the Gospels Harmony of the Gospels 29198 The Ministry of Jesus Christ Christs Passion Week The Parables of Jesus The Baptism of Jesus Deuteronomy The Conquest of Canaan Israels Judges The Story of Ruth The Family Tree of Ruth 73 Chronology of Old Testament Kings and Prophets 8283 The Life and Ministry of Samuel The Philistine Threat Plot Development of 2 Samuel 96 The Divided Kingdom PostExilic Returns to Jerusalem Jewish Feasts Historical Background to Psalms by David Gods Judgment on the Nations Second Kings Jeremiah and Lamentations Compared The Ultimate Restoration of Israel The Plan of Herods Temple New Testament Women Palestine The Seven Signs The I AM Statements The Career of the Apostle Paul Ministries of the Holy Spirit The Nations of Pentecost Proverbs 161 Jeremiah 193 Overview of Theology The Character of Genuine Monies Weights and Measures

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The MacArthur Bible Handbook
John MacArthur
Недоступно для просмотра - 2003

Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения

Об авторе (2003)

Widely known for his thorough, candid approach to teaching God's Word, John MacArthur is a popular author and conference speaker. He has served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, since 1969. John and his wife, Patricia, have four married children and fifteen grandchildren. John's pulpit ministry has been extended around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You, and its satellite offices in seven countries. In addition to producing daily radio programs for nearly two thousand English and Spanish radio outlets worldwide, Grace to You distributes books, software, and digital recordings by John MacArthur. John is chancellor of The Master's University and Seminary and has written hundreds of books and study guides, each one biblical and practical. Bestselling titles include The Gospel According to Jesus, Twelve Ordinary Men, Twelve Extraordinary Women, Slave, and The MacArthur Study Bible, a 1998 ECPA Gold Medallion recipient.

Библиографические данные

Название The MacArthur Bible Handbook
Автор John F. MacArthur
Издатель Thomas Nelson, 2003
ISBN 1418587559, 9781418587550
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 592
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