Wisconsin application for medicaid


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Important Reminder About Medicaid Eligibility Renewal. You must verify your eligibility by your renewal date to continue your coverage.

The rules for renewing Wisconsin health care benefits are returning to the way they were before the public health emergency. During the pandemic, there were special rules that allowed members to keep their benefits without having to renew or reapply.

If you get BadgerCare Plus, Medicaid, or MAPP (Medicaid Purchase Plan), you must renew your enrollment once a year.

What is a renewal?

When you first applied for benefits, you gave the state details about things like your household, income, and insurance. To see if you can keep your benefits, you need to update that information every year. This process is called a renewal.

What to expect at renewal time

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (Wis DHS) will let you know it is time for you to renew.

Want to know your renewal date now? You should have received a letter from Wis DHS in March or April that informed you of your renewal date. If you didn’t get the letter or can’t remember your renewal date, you can also look up your renewal date on the ACCESS Wisconsin website.

What is ACCESS?
ACCESS is an online account where you can apply for and manage your state of Wisconsin benefits and programs in one place, at any time.

Don’t have an ACCESS account?
Create an ACCESS account. You can also download the MyACCESS mobile app for iPhone or Android.

You may need to update the information that Wis DHS has on file.

Did you move? Change your phone number or email address?
Update your contact information with DHS if you’ve changed your address, phone number, and email so they can send you important changes about your coverage.