SBH Health System is committed to providing financial assistance to patients who are uninsured, underinsured, ineligible for a government program, or otherwise unable to pay. Consistent with our mission to deliver compassionate, high quality, affordable healthcare services and to advocate for those who are poor and disenfranchised, we strive to ensure that the financial capacity of people who need health care services does not prevent them from seeking or receiving care.
Financial Assistance is not a substitute for personal responsibility. Patients are expected to cooperate with our procedures for obtaining charity or other forms of payment or financial assistance, and to contribute to the cost of their care based on their ability to pay. Financial need will be determined in accordance with specific procedures that we follow.
Completed applications will be reviewed by the Credit and Patient Financial Services Department for final approval. Patients will be provided with a financial counselor who can provide assistance, in their language, or via qualified telephonic interpreters, through every phase of the charity care application process.
For more information, please click on either:
Revised February, 2016
Important Information about Paying for Your Care at SBH Health System
SBH Health System is a participating provider in many health plan networks. You can find a list of the plans in which we participate at It is important to check with your insurance company if you are unsure.
It is also important for you to know that the physician services you receive in the hospital are not included in the hospital’s charges. Physicians who provide services at the hospital may be employed by the hospital, may be independent voluntary physicians or any other physicians that may be required for your care. Physicians bill for their services separately and may or may not participate in the same health plans as the hospital. You should check with the physician arranging your hospital services to determine which plans that your physician participates in. Plan participation information for physicians employed by the hospital can be found at SBH Health System contracts with a number of physician groups, such as anesthesiologists, radiologists and pathologists, to provide services at the hospital. Contact information for the physician groups the hospital has contracted with, including the name, practice name, mailing address and telephone number, is available at You should contact these groups directly to find out which health plans they participate in.
Hospitals are required by law to make available information about their standard charges for the items and services they provide. This information is available by contacting the Patient Accounting Department at 718-960-3817. If you do not have health insurance, you may be eligible for assistance in paying your hospital bills. Information about financial assistance is available at or you may contact our Patient Family Service Center at 718-960-3812.
For more information, please visit: Surprise Bills Law
We care about your health. We know how expensive healthcare services are, and understand the financial impact these costs can have on you and your family.
SBH Health System (St. Barnabas Hospital) provides financial aid to patients who cannot pay for the services they receive. The financial aid is based on your income, your healthcare needs and the services that are provided to you. For further details, please read our Financial Assistant Summary (English) or Financial-Assistance-Summary (spanish) .
If you wish to apply for our charity care program, please complete the charity care program application.
To apply for financial aid, please complete the English application or the Spanish application.
Hospital and Professional Charges
For services provided at SBH Health System, you will receive separate bills for professional charges from providers such as anesthesiologists, pathologists, oncologists or other specialists who have contributed to your care. You will also receive a separate bill for hospital charges. These charges include the cost of providing all other aspects of your care which are billed separately from professional services such as hospital stay, support staff, supplies, and medications. In addition, if your care was provided by a doctor who is affiliated with SBH Health System, but also has a private practice, you may also receive separate bills from this doctor as is typical billing practice.
In an effort to assist patients to estimate the cost of care for certain services, please click here to access our Price Estimator Tool for 300 Shoppable Services.
What are these standard charges and how do they impact you?
Charges are the dollar amount a provider sets for services provided before negotiating any discounts. The charge is different from the amount paid. Patients covered by Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial insurance plans, and uninsured patients who qualify for financial assistance never pay full charges. For patients who do not qualify for financial assistance, but are uninsured, we also offer steeply discounted prices.
We want to let you know that a new rule requires hospitals to maintain and make available a list of their standard charges for items and services provided. These standard charges do not reflect or represent how much you will have to pay, nor do they reflect the actual payment a hospital will receive for those items and services.
Hospitals are also required to post average charges for inpatient admissions grouped by the federal diagnosis related groups (DRGs). You can access this list here.
Financial Resources
At SBH Health System we are committed to helping people understand the best options available to pay for their medical care. Our staff can help you understand what is covered by your specific health insurance benefits policy, expenses such as deductibles, co-insurance, co-payment and out-of-pocket expense limits. In addition, if you do not have insurance, we can assist you with determining your eligibility for free or low-cost insurance, as well as governmental assistance. Our financial services counselors can also help assess if you may qualify for financial assistance. You can learn more here.